Some things are just SCREAMING 2 be blogged about...

Look - I love my kid. I really fucking do. I just don't know if I can adjust 2 the idea of her growing up. Mostly becuz she hasn't grown up yet. Just her body has. 4 the most part she iz still dumb az a rock. U would never get her 2 admit this, of course, becuz at the moment she iz almost completely insane.

Take this latest
relationship (I use the term loosly...) of hers. She met this kid Jeremy (nice enough kid I guess...) about a month ago while they were both dumpster diving or something and immediately these two idiots fall head over heels N2 this super serious relationship although neither of them acts like they actually want 2 be in it. It's fucking ridiculous. Normally I would just banish this kid 4 getting on Alli's nerves and further inflaming the situation 2 the point of it getting on my nerves, but he happens 2 get some KILLER fucking pot from his dad. It iz really hard 2 find a really cool pot connect, and I will put up with quite a bit 2 keep one a solid az this!

I mean...just take a fucking look at this kid, would U? Duz this look like someone who iz even capable of being that big of a pain in the ass? I don't think so either. I really have 2 believe that my kid iz the fucking problem! What do I base that on? Well...first of all the bitch iz crazy, and has been the entire time I have known her. That's right...she wuz crazy when she wuz three, she wuz crazy when she first went 2 jr. high school and the bitch iz still fucking crazy!

I suppose that some of that crazy iz my fault, but I'm not taking the rap 4 all of it, goddamnit. How the fuck are U gonna take a little Mexican baby and raise her az a fucking Italian and not cause some wires somewhere 2 get crossed up? It really duzn't make any sense. Think about it. But, let's just say 4 the sake of argument that no one knew that she wuz Mexican when her dad bailed. Dontcha think the normal person would begin 2 wonder when other Mexican families started 2 reach out 2 this hispanic princess and try 2 draw her N2 thier culture? How many fucking white kids do U know that have a quiencinera? Not 2 many I'm guessing...

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