...and Onward We Go!!!

And they will remember that this iz how the second hundred began...

So, I met another chick online the other day. Well, sorta...I added her 2 my Yahoo! Messenger account (So we can see eachother online...yeah!). She iz some self described "big ass black bitch". WOW...I don't even know what 2 think about that. My mind races when I consider all the possibilities which lie within the grasp of that fucking idea. But (going strictly off of my track record with luck, BTW) I would be willing 2 bet U that the woman in question looks a lot closer 2 this...

Than she duz 2 this

...or this?

What would be nice iz if I could meet a real sweet girl who could do this kinda shit right here - U would think she'd pull a fucking muscle, huh?

Instead...I keep ending up with this bitch right here. WTF? Yeah...so I'm attracted 2 crazy, so what? Some guys like redheads, some cats dig blondes and I loves me a crazy fucking bitch. Don't know why, it's just one of those things that I have learned 2 accept about myself.

But, it could be worse. I used 2 be married 2 this bitch right here! OMG...if I could only get back the money I spent on Miwaukee's Best beer when I wuz in my early twenties! My God, me and Caitlin's mom must have drank thousands of cases of that shit. That and Strogh's, cuz it came in an 18-pack (they were WAY ahead of the curve on that one, I gotta tell U). Funny story regarding Strogh's 18-packs of beer. I went with a buddy of mine 2 visit another friend who wuz attending Chico State. This wuz like 1990 or so, and they still had what they called Pioneer Days open 2 the general public (Nowadaze only CSU students and alumni are invited 2 attend the festivities...). Anyways...long story short...My friend and I spent that Saturday perched atop a newspaper vending machine and a mailbox in the center of Chico watching what turned N2 a full-blown riot take place! It wuz fucking crazy. Eventually, the cops had 2 come and bust the fucking thing up, but luckily we had the good sense 2 be gone by then. A bunch of people were arrested and even more just got the shit kicked out of them by the Chico Police Department. As a result THE POWERS THAT BE cancelled Pioneer Days 4 like the next two years or some shit. But, it really wuz pretty fucking intense 4 a minute...

But all I'm saying iz it would be so much better if instead of this bitch...

I could meet this one!