Fuck U, U fucking fuck...

Maybe this time I'll start things off with a smaller font, then let things grow on thier own. Maybe if U rub it a little...Ok,ok...just blow on it. U don't have 2 put it in Ur mouth, I swear! Oh, great! Now I'm going 2 get blue balls! Do U know what that feels like? Contractions...that's what...

So, I'm stuck in this hotel in CLASSIFIED. We are sharing a room with CLASSIFIED. Not by choice, mind U.Rather by...necessity. We needed 2 be off the fucking curb and she had a room up the street. At least it wasn't CLASSIFIED's room. I'm pretty sure that CLASSIFIED would rather spend the whole night on the fucking sidewalk that spend one friggin moment in the company of CLASSIFIED. I dunno, maybe it's just me...but, I don't see it happening...

I'm so fucking in love with CLASSIFIED. I know she has her doubts about me (who wouldn't after what I did), but I truly hope she doesn't ever doubt that I love her. I guess the problem hasn't been that I didn't love her, though. The problem has always been that I loved myself more. I hope I've grown a little as a man and as a person and I hope I have been able 2 change that about myself. I don't know...

I really want 2 get a real job. This has been a blast, but I'm getting worn out. And I'm not even the one doing the heavy lifting. CLASSIFIED has been carrying us for the past three months. I hope she knows I understand and appreciate her 4 everything she has done. We got in2 a fight earlier and it got physical (the way it should NEVER happen!). I don't know what the fuck it is. Maybe it's the fucking heat or the elevation or some fucking thing, but we really don't fight so much when we are in the Bay Area. It's kinda weird...

Now I'm just fucking goofing off. Killing time, b4 it kills me. This is going 2 be so dark on the blog. No one will be able 2 read it unless they squint really hard...Colton's a fag...

Oh, my god, this is so funny! Ok, so our kid has finally come out and admitted 2 us that she is having sex with her 15 year-old boyfriend, right (she's only 14!)? Well, the other day I bought her a telephone so her mother can reach her anytime she wants 2 (the child's father is a fucking lying prick!) and when it came time to set up the account I said my name was Colt Ensafag! Now that's what it says whenever she calls someone with Caller ID! Oh, my god, isn't that fucking hilarious? Let the little prick call some other bitch on my little girl's phone. Fuck, I really hate boys, U know that?

I suppose I will close out 2nite by telling U all that the days of darkness shall soon come 2 an end. I got my camera out of hock yesterday, so I will soon enough be up and running on the world wide webeezie. Look at me Ma...No freakin hands! No hands Ma! No Hands!...

I went 2 see Pirates of the Carribean with my mother. She just loves her some Johnny freakin Depp, let me tell U! It was a good movie. Kinda long...two and a half hours. It would have only been two hours, but they spent 30 minutes setting up Pirates III, which I imagine will come out next summer. This one was entertaining, though. Not quite as good as say...The Empire Stikes Back, but entertaining none the less. I reccomend it 2 anyone who likes movies. If U don't like movies, then fuck U, U fucking fuck! What kind of fucking weirdo are U? Can I get Ur number, though? Just in case I get some pepe or some shit like that. U know, wanna get my freak on. What? No, baby...I was just playing. I didn't really mean that shit. No, it really is a cucumber in my pocket! It's a long story...

(I had 2 pick some time 2 start talking 2 U again. I guess that time is now, huh? It's so stupid, though. As if anyone but U even reads this fucking thing. I love U. Thanks 4 just being U.)

Oh Lord...I'm Stuck in Sacto Again...

I'm back in the capital city once again. Only this time I am here just visiting! I am actually planning 2 go back 2 CLASSIFIED very soon. I fucking hate it here. It is only like 8 in the morning and it's already 95 fucking degrees. Ok, maybe I am exagerating a little...but damn it's hot!

The reason I came home this time is so I can take my mother 2 go see the new Johnny Depp movie. She has been wanting 2 see it 4 like two fucking years. I figured it's the least I could do considering all the fucking grief I've put her through!

Still working on getting a laptop. I'm not quite sure how that's going 2 work itself out...

So, I'm supposed 2 go get my video camera out of hock here in a little while. I can't wait! It seems like I have had it pawned 4ever! I am going 2 get it out and I am going 2 use it 2 take new pics of CLASSIFIED whenever I can! She needs new pictures often. In this business everyone does!

I'm thinking about asking my cousin 2 hook me up with a job at this porn store. She knows the owner from somewhere, so she may have a bit of pull. Lord knows I can use all I can get! It would mean having 2 move back here 2 SaCRAPmento, but I need 2 do something! I can't keep letting her do what she's been doing (it would be different if she liked it) and I damn sure can't do it myself. That leaves get a job as my only other option. I don't know what else 2 do...

It is probably important that i remember some very wise words that a friend of mine once told me. THIS IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL DIARY STUPID! DON"T WRITE DOWN SHIT IF U DON"T WANT PEOPLE 2 READ IT!!! It's time 4 breakfast. I have 2 go...