Really should have seen this one coming...

I know ponme did. U had 2 know I wuz going 2 have something 2 say about this shit. If U are new here, and U have never experienced one of my blogs, just go ahead and take a seat. Yeah…why don’t U buckle that seatbelt there, champ? U might wanna pour Urself a stiff one. It’s gonna get bumpy. Some of U might want 2 get up off of a stiff one…looking4now and Sunshine79 have been rumored 2 have some experience with stiff ones, and although I cannot attest 4 this myself, I am digging N2 this story and will bring U breaking news as it happens! Back 2 U in the studio, Bob!

What the fuck wuz I talking about? It seemed important when I sat down 2 write this fucking thing. I gotta quit these fucking purples. This shit can’t be good 4 me. Let’s see…drinking…bumpy…stiff one…oh yeah! Anna Nicole Smith! Fucking Anna Nicole Smith died. What a trip, huh? Just goes 2 show U what can happen when U mix huge amounts of cocaine and heroin with TrimSpa. That fuckin TrimSpa will kill U every time!

Cuz U know it wuzn’t the heroin. I think it iz safe 2 say this bitch wuz a functioning, if somewhat dysfunctional, addict 4 awhile B4 she died. Well…mostly functional. There wuz a slight malfunction during the AMAs one year when the bitch started 2 nod out on stage. Oh, and who could 4get her stunning outfit at the Australian Mtv Awards that one year right after she got skinny again. That wuz classic. And that new body? I’m here 2 tell U TrimSpa didn’t have shit 2 do with it. I used the term “skinny” loosely. I seen this shit B4. It wuz a lot closer 2 sucked up. U don’t get sucked up from a diet aid. U get sucked up from a crack pipe.

Besides, Anna Nicole had been exhibiting crack head behavior 4 at least a few months B4 getting knocked up last year. U know what I’m talking about. The constant fidgeting, the rambling sentences that always seemed 2 end with “TrimSpa, baby!” and she would get that look in her eye…like she dropped something. Wanting 2 get down and look through the carpet B4 someone steps on the shit, all the time thinking 2 herself, ‘I wonder if anyone would miss this umbrella? Carlos’ brother Chico said he wuz looking 4 an umbrella. That fool can get some pretty good shit.’ So, yeah…she wuz already doing all that other shit, so it had 2 be the fucking TrimSpa that killed her.

And she wuz a fine motherfucker 2, baby! Vicki started out cute as a kid, but that wuz nothing compared 2 what fame and plastic surgery would soon bring her way…but she had 2 get the fuck out of Pisswater, Texas B4 anything wuz ever gonna happen. Soon as she left Pisswater and got some goofy white dude with 2 much money 2 buy her some titties Anna Nicole wuz born. The rest iz history. Playboy Magazine covers, a stint as the Guess Girl, Playmate of the Year. She wuz a classic Hollywood Beauty, cut from the same cloth as Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield. Destined, it almost seems, 4 a similar fate.

But B4 life wuz through with Anna Nicole it had 2 finish up with J. Howard Hunt. He wuz a Texas oil billionaire who must have done something right, cuz life chose 2 let him spend his last few shriveled years between that bitch’s thighs and that’s a spot any guy would love 2 have. A fucking gay guy would have been like, “Oh…I didn’t know U wuz talking about Anna Nicole. Yeah…she’s fine as fuck! I’ll take a little pussy.” so can’t nobody say shit about J. Howard on that one! Matter of fact…U might want 2 write that down. It’s on the final. If U are ninety fucking years old and U got the bread, fuck paying 4 a private nurse! Get Urself a ho! Think about it. Every fucking picture I ever seen of that old man he wuz grinning like a motherfucker! Looking like, “That’s right…I’m hitting that. I give a fuck if I get it up, cuz I’m rubbing my face all up in it, nigga! Here, smell my cheek!” I know that’s what that motherfucker wuz thinking. That’s what I’d have been thinking, anyway.

But then the old dude died and fools started tripping cuz he left the bitch all his ends. Trying 2 say she made the shit up. Bullshit. That motherfucker knew he couldn’t take that money with him. He probably told her, “Bitch, U suck this shriveled ass pecker till I die and U can have all that shit. I give a fuck about that money, I need my dick sucked.” And he wuz also probably nice 2 her when he wuzn’t trying 2 get her 2 suck his dick. So she figured what’s two, maybe three years with one shriveled up dick compared 2 how many motherfuckers trying 2 fuck her in Hollywood? Seemed like a good deal 2 her. And it seems very fucking plausible 2 me. So 2 deny her the money afterward wuz just plain wrong. U don’t keep a bitch’s money after she done turnt the trick! That’s just fucked up. U ruin it 4 everybody doing that shit.

But eventually the courts agreed with J. Howard’s sniveling brat of a kid, who J. Howard didn’t even like, he wuz so fucked up. Remember this iz the same man smart enough 2 get Anna Nicole Smith 2 suck his shriveled ass dick without having 2 pay her up front. U really think he didn’t have the mental capacity 2 decide he wuzn’t giving the money 2 his kid 4 a reason? Even if that reason iz 2 get her 2 suck his dick that’s reason enough! It’s his motherfucking money! I’m telling U right now if I make it 2 ninety and I got fifty bucks left I’m buying some pussy! Let alone I got J. Howard money! I got J. Howard money I’ll tell my kid,“Nigga, I ain’t leaving U shit! U see me rollin with this harem, nigga! What U think? Pussy grows on trees? Hugh Hefner can’t even fade my shit, nigga! Check this out…this iz Candi, Mandi, Randi and Sandi….quadruplets, nigga! Who wants some Dick now, motherfuckers?” Throwing up that W. Knocking back forties. It’s on like Donkey Kong. I got that kinda money I’ll be an old fool, that’s 4 damned sure!

But even though she didn’t get the money, U have 2 admit she led a charmed life. In addition 2 everything I already mentioned and more, she went on 2 get really fucking big. Both on television and in real life. Despite the fact that she pretty much let herself go when her career as a Hollywood action star didn’t take off, she instead became a reality show icon…and the punch line 2 many a late night monologue joke. Then she discovered the homeopathic properties of cocaine and became beautiful again. True, she may have spun out a little at the end, but no one iz ever going 2 remember Anna Nicole old and stupid. Well…they wont remember her as old anyway. And I know it iz true that she did have more than her fair share of heartaches along the way as well, not 2 mention that she died at the very early age of 39. But that’s the kinds of shit that happens 2 U when U sell Ur soul 2 the Devil.

At least she had the good sense 2 get paid up front that time.

40 iz really 2 old 4 this shit

2 fucking old. That's what I am. I wuz blogging over at my other site, and someway or another I met some chick who lives in Orlando, Florida. big whoop, right? Except, no...this girl iz the fucking BOMB!!! She iz funny, cute, sexy and a fucking freak! I really liked her a lot. Which iz the only reason I am glad the bitch lives 3000 miles away from me. But I swear I am going 2 meet this one. I will fucking hate myself 4ever if I don't...

I seem 2 be getting poular with the ladies over there. Ain't that just my motherfucking luck? I quit trying 2 get in every bitch I talk 2's panties and they start throwing it at me! Comedy! They are probably all bullshitting.

I should have a new model soon. This chick I met from Michigan iz interested and quite frankly...she iz beautiful! I can't wait 2 see what we can come up with 2gether. Keep checking back on the RicksotherfknBlog page regularly 4 the next couple of daze. The new pics should be up soon enough.

The woman and I are talking about getting a room and partying out a bit 4 our Anniversary on the 19th! If we do this (I'm thinking that we are going 2...why the fuck not?) we may go 2 Tahoe. If not there, I want 2 go somewhere else we can have a blast 2gether. What the fuck am I talking about? The two of us could have fun in a concentration camp! Anyways...I'll let U know...

I found Rico's broad Patrice on Craigslist yesterday. I wouldn't mind hooking up with her 4 a lot of reasons...not the least of which iz she iz off the chain pretty. I know...I know...but goddamnit! Ain't no money like that ho money, and I need 2 pick me up some more of that ASAP! I don't even know if she iz still kicking it with Rico or what the fuck iz going on with the two of them. Fuck...4 all I know he might be running around with some other bitch by now...

Death of a Playmate

Former Playmate of the Year (and the woman I once thought wuz the most beautiful woman on the planet) Anna Nicole Smith passed away 2day at the age of 39. The cause of death wuz undetermined at this time (c'mon that bitch wuz really using Trim Spa! Art U fucking joking?), but I am guessing drugs will have played a roll.

KimmishowmeUrtitties fucking hated Anna Nicole. Mostly becauz of my attraction 2 her, I suppose. I think that once Anna Nicole went on TV and showed the whole fucking world what an idiot she wuz, kimmishowmeUrtitties chilled a little bit. The funny part wuz, she never really lost her attraction 4 me. Even when she wuz big as fuck.
On some level I always felt that if I were 2 have ever had the chance 2 meet Anna Nicole I could get her N2 bed. I guess I'll never get that chance, now that she iz dead. At least I fucking hope not. Ewwww!
I pulled these pictures off of the web 2 commemorate the thing that Anna Nicole did the best...look really really good naked! Enjoy the pictures while mourning the loss of a modern American Icon.

Hello World...I would like 2 introduce U 2 b

Man...I just wrote this tight ass rhyme 4 this nigga and I'm all fucked up and deleted that shit. FUCK! I hate that shit. Aight then...fuck it. Check this out bitches...this little nigga right here iz named Jaiden. He ain't but two motherfucking daze old...that's why his head be looking all fucked up and shit. Don't trip...that shit goes away.

So, my home girl Stacy...the baby's momma...just had this little motherfucker yesterday...well...two daze ago now. The boy iz three daze old. Fuck...I don't know how old this little motherfucker iz, 2 be honest! But I know who his momma iz and that's all that fucking matters. As long as he gots that girl in his corner (and U do little nigga...don't 4get that shit...EVER!) he ain't got shit 2 worry about. I am knowing this shit!

Welcome 2 planet Earth, U little motherfucker! If U got half the game Ur momma do I'm finna have 2 hide my motherfucking wallet every damn time U come see me! Just remember this my nephew...if 4 some reason U can't call Ur daddy and U can't tell Moms what the fuck iz up with it...U ass best call Uncle RickmthafknJones...cuz I ALWAYS GOT U MY NIGGA!!!

Iz nothing sacred?

I'm still stuck in SaCRAPmento. It iz beginning 2 look as if I am going 2 remain that way 4 awhile yet. Who knows...maybe KimjunctionjunctionwhatsUrfunction will want 2 move back 2 the Bay if this transfer starts working out 4 her. Oh...yeah! I should probably mention that she got Transferred 2 the Walnut Creek office. She still works here in Sac, though...

So, I've been doing a lot of blogging lately...just not on this site! I have been tearing it up over at AMD, though. Still...I miss using Blogger. It's just 2 damn bad that no one ever reads this fucker. I love the functionality here.

So I guess I'm going 2 keep doing both...4 now anyway. I can't give up the other one, cuz...well...people read it. All who know me know I am at the core just a fucking whore. I'll do anything it takes 2 be noticed...let alone paid attention 2!

So...anyway...I'm back. Did U miss me?

No names...please!

I have a friend who likes 2 send me naked pictures of herself (I really do need more friends like this, BTW) so I can fuck with them 4 the purposes of creating artwork. This is not supposed 2 be porn. I am not interested in turning it N2 porn. However, the pic she sent me 2day of her ass iz OFF THE FUCKING CHAIN! I am not going 2 post her name, of course, becuz I don't want all U stiff dick motherfuckers out there fucking flooding her with emails and phone calls serving no real purpose beyond fucking up my chances at getting at her!

A blast from the fucking PAST!!!

In my travels throughout the World Wide Web in search of that Prince halftime show, I stumbled across this fucking gem! If U don't remember Adam and the Ants then U suck anyway, but go ahead and check these motherfuckers out! Twenty-Five years later this shit iz still the BOMB!!!

U thought I wuz bullshitting, didn't U?

Here's that halftime performance 4 Ur viewing pleasure!

Peep This Prince Fans!!!

2day iz Super Bowl Sunday (Colts beat the Bears 29-17)...yeah...I know, I don't give a fuck either, but this years halftime show wuz none other than PRINCE!!! I went looking 4 a picture of him during the performance, and found this little bit of video instead! This wuz taken during one of the press conferences prior 2 the Super Bowl. It wuz dated February 1, 2007.

Now I ask U...can this motherfucker give a press conference, or what? The show during the game wuz fucking cool 2...I missed the very begining of the set, but when I walked in he wuz singing Let's Go Crazy, from there he went N2 a few bars of Baby, I'm a Star, Then he segued N2 a really awesome cover of Proud Mary...then he played at least the chorus of All Along the Watchtower...then he played some song I didn't recognize, but my sister said something about a Foo Fighters song...then...I believe...he went N2 Purple Rain, and he played damned near the whole fucking song!

Ok...those of U who know me know I am a fucking Prince fan, and I have been a Prince fan since the Eleventh fucking Grade. This fucking guy has been making great fucking music 4 the last thirty years. U can grab any fucking album of his U want (minus the shit Sony put out without his approval) and I can guarantee U two things about it. First - It doesn't sound like any other Prince Album. Second - There will be sounds on their that U will also hear throughout pop music beginning right around six months after whichever album U are talking about came out. He iz by far the most underrated superstar entertainer out there 2day!

So...whenever I try 2 tell someone that Prince fucking ROCKS I get the same shit. If its a white dude he says, "Yeah...that one he did wuz ok...Purple Rain, but he sucks since then." or...if it iz a black dude, "Yeah he wuz cool way back in the day, but ever since Purple Rain, he sucks."

Now I guess I understand why. Becuz everytime he gets an opportunity 2 showcase himself on a Nationwide (or in the case of 2day...worldwide) he goes back 2 the old standards. Nevermind the fact that this shit is twentyfive years old. No shit...Purple Rain came out in 1984...twenty-three fucking years ago! Believe me, the motherfucker has done a lot of GREAT music since then. Some of it as recently as lat year. Black Sweat iz a tight motherfucker!

I have had the pleasure of actually seeing this motherfucker in concert twice. AWESOME fucking show! Out of this fucking shit. But, I honestly don't think he played more than a couple bars of Purple Rain either time, and I don't think he ever did Baby...I'm a Star.

I can tell U this much 4 sure. He did maybe a ten to twelve minute set 2day. I fucking guarantee U that somewhere in Miami 2night after the game that motherfucker had an afterparty that wuz completely off the chain! I know this shit, man!

Nothing 2 say, really

I don't know what the fuck iz going on anymore, man. I lost my fucking job at Big Lots (fucking sucks ass!) becuz some bitch decided she wanted 2 be a fucking hater. What can U do.

Fucking Stacy B should have that baby of hers any goddamn minute now, FYI

I've been blogging on AMD 4 awhile now...I actually have 135 posts over there. Some of it iz pretty funny shit. Hit the link and look up DickSlippery, if U want.

I've been concentrating on
RicksotherfknBlog 4 the past few weeks! It's coming along nicely!

I also updated my Partnahz-n-krimE page as well...