The Devil Makes Me Wanna Do It!

I have been sitting here 4 the past 30 minutes trying 2 think of a way 2 express what it iz I am feeling right now. I start writing, get maybe three or four lines deep and then I erase whatever I have and start again (Talk about a fucking HOOT! Like I really couldn't have found a more productive way 2 spend my Saturday than this)! This has been going on 4 hours now. I'm getting a little tired of it.

The truth iz that I'm not very bright. Which iz really funny becuz the last time I took an IQ test I scored GENIUS. I can tell U what the square root of the square root of 99 iz, what the capital of Montana iz or even explain WTF iambic pentameter really iz. I can freestyle haiku, bitch, and I aint even Japanese. What now? 

And yet, I just can't seem 2 get it through my fucking head that my woman iz going 2 split if I don't start leaving these other bitches alone. She iz going 2 pack her shit and be gone. I can already see the fucking note. "So long, dickhead, I still love ya but I'm not going 2 be the one who takes care of U anymore. Get one of Ur bitches 2 do it, genius!" And then she will be gone 4 the very last time. FUCK!

I love my wife, I really do. I think she iz smart, sexy and she can fuck the living daylights out of me. Regardless of all of that I still find myself with this overwhelming desire 2 go find some strange. 2 combat this I try 2 do the majority of my flirting online with bitches who are thousands of miles away from me. I figure that I stand a much better chance that way of being able 2 ignore the Siren's song and avoid being smashed 2 bits on the rocks that surround her pussy. If U have 2 ask me why she has rocks in her pussy, then I am afraid that this conversation will be officially over and done with.

Most recently I found myself chatting up some foxy black chick that seemed genuinely interested in getting sticky with me. The problem wuz that she actually lives here in town, so I have 2 believe that the urge 2 hit that shit would eventually overwhelm my desire 2 remain faithful. It always has in the past, anyway. Why should now be any different?

Then I wuz talking 2 this other black girl who wuz wanting me 2 come over and drink with her. That's her deal...she iz a drunk. She iz also somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 pounds. But she wants 2 fuck me 2. She duzn't want 2 want 2, but trust me...if I wuz alone with that bitch drinking Im sure I would end up fucking her. Cuz I don't mind the fact that she iz 300 pounds. That's going 2 be a shitload of titties and ass and U can't never get 2 much of either. Now, a 300 pound white girl? Maybe...maybe not. It would really have 2 be decided on a case by case basis. But black girls carry their weight differently than white girls or even latinas do. They tend 2 have more chest and butt and they carry their fat around the midsection rather than on their thighs and shit. A black bitch would have 2 be pushing like 500 pounds B4 she ever ended up with fat ankles. A white girl hits size 10 and suddenly she can't zip up the zipper on her fucking boots anymore? WTF iz that about? That's why U see so many fat white bitches wearing Birkenstocks - that's all she can fucking squeeze her foot N2. But anyway, she invited me over and I chose not 2 go...she's a hometown girl and I could just see where that wuz going!

Then there wuz the white girl who I met on my swinger site who wanted me 2 just come over and pound the fucking shit out of her. She didn't even want 2 meet somewhere public first! She really did just want me 2 come over and fuck. I'm not sure what happened there, other than I just don't want 2 do any cheating. 

I wuz texting my friend in Michigan the other day and I had thought that I erased all of the messages, right? it turns out I 4got one of them, and that one just so happened 2 be the one that I asked her if she would let me come visit her. DUMB DUMB DUMB OMG THAT IZ SUCH GOOFY WHITE SHIT I CAN'T FUCKING STAND MYSELF!!! So, she popped it out and asked me WTF I thought I wuz doing. I tried 2 explain it az best I could, but I have my doubts az 2 whether or not she wuz buying anything I had 2 say on the subject. 

I told her that I wuz getting off on the idea of myself still being able 2 knock a 22 year old bitch without having 2 go in pocket 2 pay 4 the shit. Especially one that I think iz hot. Believe me...this one iz HOT HOT HOT!!! The fact of the matter iz that I dig the way that her attention feels. I like that this youngster wants 2 fuck me, and it might even become a problem if she lived next door, but she duzn't. She lives 2200 miles away.

But even in my most ridiculous of fantasies I don't try 2 think about what it would be like 2 become her BF! That iz just asking 4 fucking trouble, iz what that iz! I just want 2 get a little pussy and maybe get my dick sucked and I'm a happy camper. 

Actually, the truth iz that if I wuz ever 2 get the opportunity 2 meet the girl from Michigan it would have 2 be with the full understanding that I wuz going 2 sleep with her. I am not even going 2 pretend 2 maintain enough self control 2 keep my cock out of a 22 year-old broad. I just want 2 fuck the living shit out of her one time (OK - maybe twice. Fuck it...give me the weekend and I can bang it right out of my system!) and then be done with all that bullshit. I certainly do not want 2 make her my bitch, that's 4 goddamn sure!

But that really iz how it seems 2 others, and maybe they are looking at it from a clearer perspective than I am, I don't know. Maybe that's just the way shit works, when and if it works at all. 

All I want iz a 48-hour pass. I figure that if I can't do the shit I want 2 do and who I want 2 do the shit with in two fucking daze then I probably should take a look at re-evaluating what it iz I am asking 2 do.  But the fact iz that she reacts 2wards me according 2 her heart while I react 2 her according 2 my cock first, and its rigidity second. So that means that where I see myself fucking some drunken 300 pound sista az being really not that big of a deal, she sees the same fucking shit az ripping her heart from her fucking chest and stomping on the motherfucker. I say, "What difference duz it make if I fuck this bitch in her ass or not?" Besides the fact that she wants 2 and it seems 2 me like a really good way 2 get U out of it, that iz.

OK - I'm done with this fucking bullshit. Just in the nick of time, 2. I wuz about 2 blow this bitch the fuck up. 

That's right...I'm the ASSMAN!!!

Now, I'm not going 2 say I love the booty. I think that goes without saying. Anyone who knows me can tell U that I LOVE that ass. Big asses, phat asses, white asses, black asses... I fucking love them all! U gots 2 love a big ol' bubble butt iz all I'm saying!

Speaking of bubble butts, U remember my homegirl CARESS, right? The one that sells pussy? Yeah...I know. How the fuck could U 4get? Anyway, we have a really cool relationship. I don't try 2 get at her and she doesn't walk around in front of me naked or any shit like that. We just kick it. There's no fucking pressure. It's like being around another dude, except that she iz really pretty. It's like being around Ricky Martin. It's really fucking cool.

At least it wuz until the other night when she decided (unilaterally) 2 switch shit up on me. She invited me over 2 smoke a little and kick it with her and a couple other friends then proceeded 2 stick her ass in my face the entire evening! OK - I wuz really only there 4 like 25 minutes, but she must have done it at least seven times during that half an hour!

Believe me, I am all about the platonic thing and I really can be the best friend a bitch ever had but there has 2 be guidelines. One of those guidelines has 2 be that if U are banging an ass like this U don't stick it in my face unless U intend 4 me 2 be banging an ass like that shortly thereafter. I mean, come on already! I am only a man, goddamnit!

I'm just playing. I know the bitch iz gonna check this out and FREAK the fuck out (OK, bitch - B4 U even so much az fix Ur mouth 2 say something fucking stupid about why do I keep posting the same old fucking pics U better bring Ur ASS over here and let me take some new ones...)! Of course, she might just freak out so much that she starts 2 tripping about the whole situation. That could fuck it all up 4 everybody. She might actually stop putting her ass in my face! OH, NO! Not that! Anything but that!

Becuz let's keep it real here, shall we? I don't mind her putting her ass in my face. U might even go so far az 2 say I look 4ward 2 it! I mean, how often do I get a booty like that close enough that I could lick it? Not often enough. U must got me fucked up if U think I'm gonna be the one bitching about that shit. NOT!!!

really would be just like me 2 fuck this up. Here I got a bitch who knows me and iz willing 2 hang out with me and izn't trying 2 give me any pussy and I gotta go and over think the shit and fuck it up 4 everybody.

Az it turns out, I added WAY 2 many ass pics 2 this post. I would just hate 2 fucking download the damned things and then not use them. Thats just a fucking waste of both my time and my energy. Besides, I would venture that by now U motherfuckers log on expecting porn!

So, I am basically just filling this space with words so that I can come along later and fill the voids in between the letters with pictures of BOO-TAY!!! All I'm trying 2 say iz it would be a lot more fun if I could take a few of these pics myself! OK - U don't think its a good idea 4 me 2 be taking the pics myself? How about I just have them taken 4 me? Duz that work 4 U there, chief?

How much trouble could I possibly get N2 if I wuz surrounded by a bunch of naked ass? I doubt it would be all that much. Remember, its tits that make me lose my fucking mind. I just like the booty, iz all. I'm really not finna lose my motherfucking mind over the shit. Really. Hey - I'm trying 2 be serious here! It would be wonderful if U would stop fucking laughing!

Just how the fuck am I supposed 2 get anybody 2 take me seriously if U keep this shit up? What? Are U fucking high? Iz that what's going on here? Look - I'm just trying 2 have a good time and share a little internet ass with the folks. Iz that so fucking wrong of me?

OK - bear with me here...I'm almost done. I had 2 make a spot 4 this next series of pics. Take a look 4 Urself if U don't believe me! Fuck it, don't take my word 4 it. That's really what I am talking about here. This iz a bitch who iz sexy az FUCK! Actually, she kinda reminds me of my neighbor (the one I want 2 stick my tongue up her ass, not the one I already did...) with that thang! I fucking DIG IT!!!

I see this shit and wonder 2 myself, 'Where can I get myself one of these?' So, she's a little chunky...that's OK. In ten years she will be one of those ladies that's shaped like an upside down light bulb, which iz precisely why it iz so imperative that I find her and take advantage of her ASSets B4 that happens! OMG! Are U listening 2 me here? Hello? Hello? Iz this thing on or what? Jesus fucking Christ! Just WTF do I pay U people 4? Do I really ask all that fucking much? Are my demands just 2 exacting on Ur already weakened state? I don't know. Duz it really fucking matter? I mean, honestly...come on!

All right, all right, settle the fuck down. This posting turned out 2 be packed 2 the gills with backsides. There's so much ass on this page I don't even know how 2 act about it. This one iz definitely all about the bottom line! Which iz all the reason I should end it with this. Trust me...I'm betting her ass iz just fine...and even if it izn't...who fucking cares?