Oh yeah...this is still the fucking valley, huh?

So, I heard that SaCRAPmento wuz going 2 be having 14 consecutive days of 100+ heat and I thought 2 myself...there's just no way I can miss any of that! That would explain what the fuck I am doing still here, wouldn't it?

As it turns out, I'm not in a very good mood 2day. I have one hell of a tooth ache, and I am fucking STARVING 2 death here...stuck in a hotel room with no fucking transportation and no money. This sucks balls. I have even been considering going out and panhandling 2 get enough 2 buy something 2 eat. I'm not going 2 though...much as I would like 2...

Luckily the hotel we happen 2 be staying at offers a free breakfast, beginning at 5am. That means I only need starve 4 a few more hours! Isn't that just wonderful? I thought so...

I've been considering starting another of these stupid things. It would be strictly a creative outlet, were I 2 decide 2 do such a thing. I dunno, probably just a waste of time anyway. Like anyone reads the one I already post...

If I do make it, I'm goig to call it RicksotherfkgBlog. It will be a creative outlet, 4 the most part. It will also be a place where I can let my balls out if I want (so all U relatives and other assorted weaklings bear in mind...U hit that link U gets what U came 4...

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