Don't fucking ask me 4 shit...

U really don't even want 2 know what the fuck is going on here. I mean, no fucking shit, man! I look like the Devil's spawn...or at least a middle aged stoner with a digital camera and WAYYYYY 2 much time on his hands. This just goes 2 show U that if U put a grown man's hair in pigtails, someone will take a fucking picture of it and publish it 2 the web 2 clown him proper...even if he has 2 do it himself!!! The red shit represents Mars. I'm lying. I just made that shit up about mars. What the picture really is is a photo of myself taken at the moment just after being told Amber wuz coming over 2 my room! Oh no she didn't! U better get your shit 2gether and do it quick or U will figure out some way 2 fuck everything up from the get. I have trouble understanding how U can be both goofy and stupid at the same time. Toss in just a dash of scandalous behavior and a shitload of dope and what U got is Dumbass Amber. She's one of those people...U know the ones...

Right now I am waiting for this other chick I met recently 2 come over here and talk 2 me about a business proposal. She tried 2nite 2 help make me some money, but it didn't work out. This new one is named CLASSIFIED. I think it is probably best 2 keep it that way.

I don't know for sure, but I think I may be staying here in Sac (guess that means I should stop talking so much shit, huh?) instead of moving 2 the Bay Area. That really sucks , cuz I wuz liking it there 2. The weather, the mood the overall urban feeling the whole area puts out. Besides, I never got 2 go see the Giants, goddamnit!

Here we have an example of another of my obsessions - sex in public. Flashing also does it 4 me, I suppose. Oddly enough, I don't have a big interest in peeping. Upskirts...all that shit just doesn't do it 4 me. But give me a naked blonde in a phonebooth and by god it is on!

1 comment:

  1. Dude. I worry about you. Seriously. Get help.
