Almost completly off the hook...

This is the second time I had 2 write this fucking post. I hate that shit, 4 the record! One of U dickheads is keeping a record, right? What's that? My job? Since when?...uh hmmm...allrigty then! Moving right along...

Check out my motherfucking natural! Can U believe that shit! I wuz thinking that 4 Halloween I could go as one of the Pips! Or how about Jackie Jackson? I've got it! Angela Davis when she wuz running 4 President. That way I still get 2 dress up like a woman, and we all know how much I love doing that! (Hey! I thought I told U I don't do that shit no more!) Anything 2 get N2 heels and a short skirt, huh? I'm such a fucking slut!

Recently I wuz turned on2 this online poker site called Poker Stars by my bastard brother-in-law, Todd. I shoulda known the guy wasn't right as soon as he went out with my sister. I mean, how creepy is that? Anyway,I've been playing this shit 4 like a month and getting my ass whipped pretty regularly. Until 2nite, that is! 2nite I wuz on FIRE! I wuz talking all kinds of big shit and kicking ass! I told this one fucking idiot that I wuz tired of him holding my money. He got pissed off and went all-in with about a grand while I was holding a pair of Kings! I think five of us called his bet, right? I get a King on the flop and another fucking King after that! That's right, Baby...4 of a kind Kings! It put like 4 people out of the tourney (which I went on 2 win!) also. Talk about fun. Good times...

Well...I have taken 2 inviting people 2 come check out this stupid fucking blog. I have asked three or 4 people from these swinger sites I frequent 2 come check this shit out and tell me what they think about it. If U happen 2 be one of those people then I am sorry 4 offending U. If 4 some reason I didn't offend U then it's probably best I don't know about it since I am getting a hard on just considering it! Besides...I'll just spend all my time trying 2 outdo myself. However...if U are new here...welcome! Please feel free 2 post any comment U want about anything...there is no censorship here. Unless I decide Ur full of shit. Just, really. Whatever.

I think I need a change of pace. I need 2 do something different. I think I need 2 go on a road trip, so what I am going 2 do is see about going back 2 Wisconsin with Todd when he goes back there 2 get thier shit. The two of us could go back there by plane, rent a truck and take turns driving the motherfucker back 2 California. Sounds like it might make 4 a fun trip!

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