Are U fucking kidding me with this shit? I probably should have thought this though a little further, but I gave somebody I know the address 2 this fucking blog. Not just someone I know, mind U...but someone I have a sorta crush on. It's stupid, really, and my wife knows all about it, so it izn't like I'm trying 2 do some shit on the under (not that I have any reason 2 believe that this chick would be down 4 that, anyway...) this time. Emphasis on "this time". We all know how I can get.

But at the very least I can take solace in the fact that I'm not really trying 2 get in this ones pants. The truth of the matter iz that I don't think I stand a chance. Just a vibe I pick up from her. I mean...she's nice, but I think it iz more becuz she iz a nice person than cuz she likes me. In fact, I suspect that she iz N2 fellows of a darker persuasion that I. She would probably eat JD up 4 breakfast! I know he would her! And don't let this nigga find out she likes 2 suck cock. would be a wrap! Cuz the woman I am talking about iz just the kind of female my nigga likes. Single, white mom who iz big in all the right ways, in all the right places! When I say ALL THE RIGHT PLACES...I really mean ALL THE RIGHT PLACES (not entirely unlike this lovely young lady 2 the left. Much nicer though...MUCH nicer!

My fucking reason 4 doing this, BTW, iz anything but noble. What I did wuz shoot her the addy of my art blog (, and ask her 2 go and take a look-see and se what she thinks about it. If she likes what she sees and iz interested...I would really like her 2 pose 4 me. I figure she iz gonna tell me 2 fuck off. I would. But, U never know...she may turn out 2 be interested in doing something tasteful. I mean...not all of my shit iz blatant pornography. In fact, most of the shit I post that iz pornographic, contrary 2 popular belief, iz just shit that I downloaded off of Goole images! I wish 2 fuck I could post my own fucking porn! Talk about a dream come fucking true (or iz it a dream coming true fucking? Hmm...hard 2 say on that one.)! But we all know what would happen if I started shooting my own porn. I'd start fucking the actors. I imagine that eventually it would just end up being me filming myself having sex with whoever the fuck iz down 2 be filmed (standing offer - email me if Ur interested!).That's why we are vigilant about not letting that kinda shit go down.At least not az long az I am still planning 2 stay married, that iz!

4 the record, I added these last two artsy numbers just 2 emphasize the point that not all artistic nudes have 2 be shot B&W. There iz a such a thing az non-porno color nudes. Az rare of a thing az that may actually be, it duz fucking happen. So, back the fuck off! Just cuz I dig porn, that duzn't have 2 make me some kind of degenerate fuck.

But, honestly...I really don't see this girl being the type that would go 4 this kinda shit. She seems way 2 Suzie Homemaker 2 be freaky enough 2 try this. The truth of the matter iz that it takes a particular kind of individual 2 get N2 this type of behavior (Noms...Barbie...Suzy - sit the fuck down, bitches! We know that U know and anybody else paying attention really ought 2 fucking know...U know?), and, quite frankly, those girls are few and far between. I wish it weren't the case, but it iz. If I had my druthers every fucking woman on the planet would secretly crave this kind of attention, and B4 long every one of them will come 2 me seeking relief. Motherfuckers would start calling me "Scratch", cuz I could reach all those out of the way places no one else iz able 2 reach! Come on, baby...lemme scratch that itch!!!

Speaking hypothetically 4 a second, if 4 whateverMG - I don't know how I would react if I ever met someone who wuz actually N2 this shit! I did meet that one chick off of craigslist, but I never actually met her in person (Why? Becuz I like being married 2 Kimpirestrikesback, and the fastest way 2 lose a Greek wife iz by meeting some black chick off of the computer in the real world. Especially if that same black chick iz interested in making a porno movie with U. It tends 2 cause a problem where there really duzn't need 2 be one, U know? Losing the Trojan War ranks right up there at second, though...). I kinda sorta thought I had a candidate in LoriXXX, but that didn't seem 2 want 2 work out, either. It sucks. I actually had a quasi-candidate in whori, but I had 2 go and fuck her (well...not quite. But it wuz close enough that the difference didn't much matter 2 my woman. I may as well have 4 all the grief I caused both her and myself.) and fuck that all up. That iz actualy my whole point...sort of.

That's not actually true. My point wuz - 4 whatever it iz worth - that I never meet the kinds of girls who do go 4 this sort of thing, so I have no expectation of that girl turning out 2 be one. It would be WONDERFUL if she did, but let's be fucking realistic here. Sheiz going 2 log on and start reading this fucking insane fucking SHIT I have been writing and probably never fucking talk 2 me again. That's whats gonna fucking happen...U watch and see. I can fucking feel it...

Which begs 2 ask the question - if I fucking knew the bitch wuzn't going 2 be N2 it, then why expose myself by giving her the address 2 begin with? Seems kinda fucking silly 2 me. What could possibly be gained by me exposing my deep-seeded lust 4 this woman? OK - let's go ahead and stop right there 4 a moment, shall we? First of all, my lust 4 this particular woman should come as no fucking surprise 2 anyone who has both met me and seen her. No surprise whatsofuckingever, folks, so I am really not telling on myself, as much as it may seem like i am. That having been said, I really don't think that the girl knows about it. But, honestly...what difference duz that make? Thats right...none.

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