Are U fucking serious?

I really gotta quit telling on myself. I mean, just becuz I may have the idea that I might want 2 engage in a particular activity with a certain somebody duz not fucking mean I have 2 advertise the shit all over the fucking internet, right? It's not as if it iz making my life any goddamn easier when my wife fucking reads my shit and realizes I am trying 2 fuck these bitches. In fact, thats pretty much all fucking bad, now that I think about it

So...I digress. Rather than conduct myself in the manner by which I have become accustomed, I intend 2 take the high road. I know that it iz the high road, becuz I spend all of my time on it rather high. And since I'm high anyway, I suppose it won't much matter if I smoke some more, eh?

Don't get me wrong...I still intend 2 seduce Lori. Probably Barbi and Megan as well, if I can ever get 2 wherever the fuck they are. I know Megan iz near fucking Disney World somewhere. Hey - maybe I will get lucky and she will do me on Space Mountain! I have always wanted 2 be banned from the Magic Kingdom 4 lewd behavior. Perhaps this lovely lady iz my ticket 2 achieving that one small dream...


  1. Must be nice to be Lori Megan or Barbi......... Jezz.

  2. Don't worry, Jezz...Ur turn will come! It'll probably happen even faster if U send me some NAKED PICS!!!

  3. I sent you pics of my ass and my tits what more do you want darlin?
