
I sooo fucking hate milestones. I feel like they age me. Lord knows I don't need any help with aging. I seem 2 be doing a bang up job as it iz. But it turns out that some milestones do have an upside. I mean, c'mon now...how the hell else could I have gotten beautiful women from all over the country 2 write my name on their naked bodies and send me the pics?

100 fucking blogs...it's hard 2 believe. I realize 2 those of U who have read my 270 some odd blogs over on AMD that 100 blogs may seem a little...well...little. But, what U may be failing 2 realize iz that B4 I stumbled upon my adopted home over on AMD, I began my blogging career right here on Blogger. We had just moved 2 the Bay Area, and it wuz my way of keeping touch with my friends back here in Sacramento.

So, yes...I decided 2 make this a big fucking deal. Why the hell not? If I don't do it, then who will? That's right...no one will. And when U consider the submissions I actually received, U can see why it had 2 be done.

I can't post all of them. That would be ridiculous. What I can (and will) do iz post the best of the best. I'm not going 2 identify the ladies who sent them 2 me, however. Unless U are lucky enough 2 recognize them Urself, U are just going 2 have 2 wonder who they are along with the rest. I am going 2 make one exception 2 that rule. This picture here wuz sent 2 me by my smart-ass friend Deanna, who I'm sure just giggled her motherfucking ass off the whole time...

Well, thanks 4 sticking around as long as

U have, and if this iz Ur first time reading one of my blogs then STOP READING THIS IMMEDIATELY AND MOVE AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER! Trust me...U will be better off 4 it.

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