When I say this town sucks, I mean it really sucks!

Once again it appears that Sacramento has its hooks firmly planted in my hide and it has no intention of letting me go anytime soon. Ever since I was a young man I have tried to leave this godforsaken hellhole, but one way or another Sacramento figures out how to draw me back in. Its fucking bullshit.

I have literally tried to move away from here I dont know how many fucking times and here I am. I dont know how to explain it. Its a trip. The first time was in 95 when I left to join the Army. Five months later I was honorably discharged and back home in Del Paso Heights where I started. The last time was 2008, when I fled to San Diego to avoid doing jail time in Sacramento County. Three months later I came back at Christmas for a visit and lost my spot down south. Well...boot strapped out of my spot, anyway (But thats a story for another blog). Its fucking bullshit.

Now this latest incident. I have an opportunity to work in Lake County on the table right now. I used to live in Lake County in the mid 90s and I have always wanted to get back up there. Its almost like Sacramento fucking knows that if I get back up that hill Im going to do everything in my power to make sure I dont end up having to come back down again EVER. As a result any and everything that can go wrong with me getting up there has gone wrong. Its like Im stuck here in the valley, while my money is up there being made by someone else. Its fucking bullshit.

Hopefully, the next time I post a blog it will be from beautiful Clearlake, Ca. But with all the fucking bullshit going around who the fuck can tell?

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