What have we learned about dealing with Marcus?

So, my boy Marcus hooked me up with a robot yesterday, and this nigga hooked me up with the laziest fucking robot ever made. First of all, it comes out and starts going in a little four by four square, vacuuming its ass off, right? It wuz acting like the room wuz the size of the box it just came out of or some shit. Then the robot's all...

I'm tired

Man, fuck that, robot! U better vacuum this shit!

U want me 2 vacuum all that? Man, I ain't trying 2 do all that. I'll do one, maybe two rooms if U feel like putting that piece that came in the box with me down, but Ur fixing 2 lose that shit anyways, so I ain't trippin. I'll hook U up in this room, though.

Well, start vacuuming then!

See, that's what I'm trying 2 tell U is I'm tired right now! I need 2 chill at the home base 4 like 15, maybe 16 hours and recharge, U feel me? Why don't U get with me 2morrow and I'll hook U up. Don't trip...I got U.

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