Another day...another play...

May as well write this bitch in green. That iz the color of money, after all! It's also the color of Jealousy, The Incredible Hulk avocados and The Mystery Machine. I would have gotten away with it 2...if it hadn't been 4 those meddling kids!But that doesn't mean I have 2 put up with all this fucking abuse. It's not as if I don't have better fucking shit 2 do. I can sit here jerkin my yerkin, 4 instance! Not like this guy, though. Jesus Christ on a Carb Free Diet that thing looks Dangerous!!!

Look...let's face reality here. I dig cute chicks. I always have. The cuter the fucking better! It's as if they somehow make me stupid or something, I don't know. Cute chicks in cute clothes doing painfully cute things. Most often naked, btw...

So, anyway...I met another cute chick. Naturally, I became fast friends with her, began trusting her WAY 2 fucking much and ended up in a fucking jackpot becuz of it! When am I going 2 learn 2 leave these fucking bitches alone? Probably right around the time they carry my casket 2 its waiting hole in the ground (roughly 4am this morning...give or take 12 hours or so...) I will figure out how 2 leave these fucking broads alone. Lot of goddamn good that's gonna do me, huh?

But at least I still have some sort of forum in which 2 express my fucking ANGER over this bullshit. That's a shitload more than a lot of motherfuckers get. They do give me that much...the motherfuckers.
It really iz more than enough 2 take an otherwise decent, law abiding citizen and turn him N2 fucking Machine Gun Kelly...

I really don't understand what it iz that drives me so fucking crazy
over these bitches! Maybe the fact that they are pretty much all crazy bitches has something 2 do with it, I don't know. Bottom line iz this...I gotta have my T and A. Fuck the rest of it...its all bullshit anyways.

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