
I figure if I keep on surfing the WWW and posting these stupid porn pics on my blog, eventually CLASSIFIED is going 2 get fed up and get me another fucking camera. That's all I want. Not 2 much...actually, I'd be happy with the camera I already own. I just have 2 get it out of hock!

These are examples of some of the kinds of pictures I want 2 take. I also want 2 do my artsy shit, but I am way attracted 2 flash pics! I just have 2 find a model, and figure out some way 2 keep CLASSIFIED from tripping on me! I realize this is all my fucking fault, mind U. So please do not act as if I am up in here whining over my unjust treatment. I realize that I am lucky 2 have the bitch talking 2 me at all. When was the last time she spoke 2 CLASSIFIED? That's what I thought.

Speaking of CLASSIFIED, I've been fighting with her all night it seems like. It sucks when we fight, but at least it isn't over that bitch again. I fucking hated it whenever we would fight over her (which was only every time her name was mentioned!). There was just no way around it. CLASSIFIED's name came up - we fought. It was even worse on those occasions she was actually there 2 fan the fires of discontent between us. On those particular instances we damned near broke up. Not becuz CLASSIFIED wants me. No fucking way! It's becuz she can. Isn't that lovely?

Here's some goofy white shit 4 U 2 gossip about around the water cooler. Those of U wthout a watercooler can go ahead and feel free 2 talk about it in the break room. Those of U who have no job may talk all about it out behind the liquor store, but only when it isn't thier dice. I know what people are thinking. What the fuck is he doing in that picture? Is he smoking a Slim Jim? And what the fuck is going on with that hairdo? This is a new century, nigga. U best start acting like it and lose the 1970's Angela Davis looking natural. Who the fuck do I think I am...Disco Stu?

CLASSIFIED has been tripping lately over other bitches. She thinks I am going 2 cheat on her again. I don't think so, but she probably knows better than I do. She claims that I am exibiting the same kinds of behavior I was when I was running around with CLASSIFIED. I don't know what I am supposed 2 do about it, though. Not cheat, I guess.

At some point in the near future, I am going 2 have 2 go home 2 SaCRAPmento. I hate doing it, but I need 2 go get my fucking cat. Besides, I want 2 take my Mom 2 the movies 2 go see the new Johnny Depp movie. She's been waiting 4 it 2 come out like a computer lab teacher's aide waiting on the next installment of Star Wars. I thought it might be nice 2 take her 2 see it. I have 2 pick Mrs. up becuz my stupid sister is moving back home next month. She has this big fucking dog that would end up getting all fucked up by my cat cuz he isn't fucking smart enough 2 to leave the goddamned thing alone. I hate that goddamned dog.

I honestly did think I was done with those pics, but then I stumbled on2 this one on accident. I was actually looking for a picture of my sister and decided everyone would probably rather look at this broad instead. I know I would. I'm giving even money on whether or not CLASSIFIED would. He has 2 look at her ass every day! I remember how fucking difficult that shit is 2 pull off with a smile on your face! It's even harder with a blond on your face, but that's a story for another day.

So, I'm trippin my way through www.craigslist.com and checking out all of the freak shit in Casual Encounters, Erotic Services and Adult Gigs when I stumble on2 a J/O video shoot 2nite in Burlingame. I'm not sure how much I am supposed 2 be getting paid, but I understand I am expected 2 jack-off 4 at least a half an hour on camera. I don't think that I am supposed 2 have any contact with any other models this time. That's probably a good thing. The last thing I need 2 be listening 2 is CLASSIFIED bitching about me fucking some other bitch. She doesn't have any problem if I'm fucking some old geezer, though. Only whenever I may find myself in some rare position whereas I am suddenly able 2 do something with someone I may actually be attracted 2, that's when she has a problem with it.

I have a new friend. His name is CLASSIFIED. We hung out in San Francisco last weekend 4 the Gay Pride parade. Talk about a fucking blast! I really had no fucking idea it was going 2 be as much fun as it was. These aren't my pictures, BTW. These are some pics from the parade that I DL'd off the WWW. I am hoping I can go pick up my pictures from Rite Aid 2day sometime. Then U will see some shit, let me tell U! I mean, these are okay. Probably a lot better than mine anyway, since I was forced 2 use a disposable camera. Somebody (um...that would be me.) left the fucking digital camera sitting in the hotel room instead of bringing it 2 the EVENT!!!

Speaking of events...I scored tickets 2 the Greg Khin concert at CLASSIFIED 2morrow! Apparently, Greg is now working as a morning DJ at KFOX here in San Jose. Not that I am in San Jose. I am far, far away from San Jose. Even if I was in San Jose, there is no fucking way I'd ever say I was in San Jose! What, am I crazy? Anyhow, I scored three tickets 2 the show, and I guess that means I'm going 2 see these guys 2morrow! Yay!!!

I don't know, maybe there is something 2 the whole I'm trying 2 cheat argument. Now that I actually look at my behavior can I honestly blame her? I mean, here I am getting these e-mails from bitches telling me they want 2 meet in the bathroom and blow me, plus whenever I work I get a ton of offers 2 fuck around (always 4 free, of course! What did U think, I was a hot fucking blond or something?) and honestly, some of them are quite tempting! I'm just not trying 2 go through all that fucking drama again. It was bad enough when it was with CLASSIFIED, why the fuck would I want 2 go through all that again? 4 some pussy? I don't think so.

I should probably try 2 lay my head down 4 a little while. However, somehow I managed 2 get some good CLASSIFIED last night and goddamnit, I just can't seem 2 get the hang of unconsciousness right now! Sleep is 4 the fucking weak. I am a goddamned warrior! I may stay up 4 a fucking week! I may stay up 4 a month! I can almost guarantee I am going 2 stay up until next month. Of course, that's only like 15 more hours...

(Okay...we have 2 come up with some sort of compromise here, don't U think? I don't think that the way we have been handling this is condusive 2 our maintaining this relationship. If that is still important 2 U then perhaps we should think about finding U an alternate means of expressing those particular frustrations. Maybe there isn't an alternate. Maybe this is all there is. Fuck...Look, I'm not going 2 fuck anymore of your friends without Ur blessing (if not Ur goddamned presence!) and I'm not going 2 cheat with anybody U don't know, so maybe U should think about lightening up a little bit...y'know?)

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