Hot Monkey Love...

That's a phrase that has many conontations 2 many different people. I'm sure that after seeing this it'll mean something entirely different than it used 2 4 Alex. Well, after all, I gotta believe that the real reason I wuz placed on this planet this time around wuz 2 completely fuck this kid's head up. I figure that if she ends up dumping three or four grand a year on therapy I'll look at that as a small victory. I mean, that's only a fraction of what she made me spend on Happy Meals she had no interest in eating. And don't get me started on her cat. The fucking thing iz the size of Belgium. He eats more than me and the wife combined. She didn't stop with the fucking cat either. She kept bringing strays home. Most recently she brought home Jessica (my NEW favorite,btw), and she's knocked up so that really counts as two. so yeah, I'd say a couple grand in psychiatry bills oughta even things up a bit. Betcha wish U woulda watched Star Trek now, huh?

1 comment:

  1. you kno wht im still not gonna watch star treak IT WAZNT EVEN ON so ha and i dnt vare if jess is ur fav so EHHHHHHHH
