Another year...another gear

I realize I haven't blogged here recently. I have been deeply involved in a disinformation campaign aimed at bringing down what I consider 2 be an illegal regime...the infant cartel. These people come N2 the world with a completely different set of priorities than the rest of us. If left unchecked this cancer shall surely spread...shall surely engulf us all!

We must work 2gether 2 stop this scourge that is raping our modern landscape B4 it is 2 late 4 us 2 stop them. B4 they continue on doing what they have been doing 4 thousands of years...replacing us - one by one! What's 2 stop them? And believe me...if we don't stop them in twenty years they won't be babies anymore...but young adults with opinions and motivations of thier own 2 force upon us!

And where will we be by then? I'll tell U where...we'll have been replaced, that's where! Our young and vibrant bodies will have been replaced with old, decrepid vessals which will undoubtedly be painful 2 use. All we have 2 look 4ward 2 is an existence fueled by social security checks and All-U-Can-Eat buffets. Our daze will be spent making doctor appontments and 4getting where we parked our cars. And sex??? 4get about it, my friends...that's a thing of the past!

So, we must act quickly if we hope 2 stop these power mongers B4 it is 2 late 4 all of us. Why, even in the time it has taken 4 U 2 read this report, some babies have grown out of infancy. This older generation...better known as toddlers are led by a particularly viscious group known as The Terrible Twos. It is these renegades we must worry the most about. In their drive 4 complete attention they have been known 2 break family heirlooms and scream at the top of their lungs 4 hours at a time 4 no good reason. 4tunately, it is during this stage of their development that they are most vulnerable. They are easily distracted by Elmo, the Teletubbies and The Pokey Little Puppy. Use these weapons 2 Ur advantage, but also with great care. These people are highly adaptable. Given the opportunity, they will remember Ur tactics and use them against U later. If U let them...they will do the only thing they know how 2 do...continue 2 grow. And continue 2 grow they will...until its 2 late 4 us 2 do anything!

It is up 2 U not 2 let that happen. The very fate of the world rests in Ur hands. Good luck...and Godspeed!

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